In late August, Logan’s viral salad recipe unexpectedly triggered a cucumber shortage in Iceland, catching the nation off guard. Major supermarkets, such as Kronan and Hagkaup, reported an astounding...
Walmart has launched an online Back-to-School campaign featuring Lori Taylor, CEO of The Produce Moms (TPM), and the TPM brand.
Just in time for the new school year, NatureSweet, North America's largest vertically integrated controlled-environment agricultural company and the leading snacking tomato brand, has introduced its...
Produce supplier Wiers Farm Inc., based in Willard, Ohio, has expanded its vegetable recall as a precaution due to potential Listeria monocytogenes contamination
The produce sector is experiencing significant growth. For the five weeks ending June 2, produce department volume sales increased by 3.4% compared to the same period...